Discovery Bay Volunteer Fire and Rescue History Continued...
In 1982, the 911 system was started in Jefferson County and a few years later we signed mutual aid agreements with the other East Jefferson Fire Districts and Clallam Fire District #3.
In 1986 with community support and the hard work of volunteers, our unique new station in Gardiner was completed. The Station's bell was originally on a sailing schooner.
As life-saving technology improved, our department kept up the pace, purchasing the Jaws of Life, defibrillators and heart monitors and more equipment as they became available. The funds to support these improvements and the training of our volunteers continued to come from the Volunteer Association, Auxiliary, grants and donations.
Our all-volunteer fire department continues to serve our community of Discovery Bay, Eaglemount, Crocker Lake, and surrounding areas of the Jefferson County Fire District #5, responding to hundreds of calls each year.